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Mars, Saturn, Scorpius and Rho Ophuchi Postcard, Planets, Stars, Postcrossing,

Mars, Saturn, Scorpius and Rho Ophuchi Postcard, Planets, Stars, Postcrossing,

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Mars, Saturn, Scorpius and Rho Ophuchi Postcard

This astronomy photo was taken in 2016. This image features the planets Mars (top left) and Saturn (lower centre) the constellation of Scorpius and the Rho Ophuchi cloud complex. The right hand side of the image shows the Milky Way.

Quantity Variations Available
1 x Mars, Saturn, Scorpius and Rho Ophuchi Postcard
5 x Mars, Saturn, Scorpius and Rho Ophuchi Postcards
10 x Mars, Saturn, Scorpius and Rho Ophuchi Postcards

They are professional printed on 215g/m card with a glossy front and UV coating. These cards measure 148mm x 105mm. These postcards are ideal for Postcrossing, swapping or collecting.

© Jonti Horner 2016